Wednesday, August 31, 2016


US OPEN 2016
Like more interesting matches I would mention the following:
John Isner - Steve Darcis. Favorite of the home crowd, John Isner, reached the third round after today's match was better than Steve Darcis (6-3, 6-4, 6-7, 6-3). 
Novak Djokovic - Jiri Vesely. Novak Djokovic progressed to the third round without a "drop of sweat". The match was walkover. Vesely has been forced to withdraw for left forearm problem. 

Rafael Nadal - Andreas Seppi. Nadal had routine victory over Andreas Seppi  (6-0, 7-5, 6-1) under closed roof. The match was temporary suspended by referee after raindrops, but the players didn't leave the court. The roof of the court was closed less than for 6 min.

" It is great to be the first player to play with the roof closed in the competition, because I was the first player to hit in the Centre Court with the roof closed " said Nadal after game.