Monday, September 26, 2016

LEARN the SECRET of the excellent physical form of Swiss star Roger Federer

Have you ever wondered what is the secret of top form for sports stars?
Today we will found out about the secret of the excellent form of Swiss tennis star Roger Federer.


One of the main components behind the great athletic performance of the amazing sixteen times Grand Slam Champion Roger Federer are tennis exercises and diet plan. Not only is his form and fitness the result of acute dedication, but also the product of his partnership with Pierre Paganini.

As the tennis strength and conditioning coach for Federer, Pierre Paganini plays a crucial role in shaping the workout schedule that has kept Roger at the top of the ATP rankings for over a ten years. Being such a good friends certainly helps, and collectively their fitness training sessions amount to about ONE HUNDRED hours per tennis season. Before a Grand Slam tournament or when Roger Federer needs to continue to stay fit during the off-season, Pierre Paganini continues his coaching by working out with him over ten hours each week.

This tennis celebrity’s exercise plan is a fusion of various physical disciplines, such as weight lifting, endurance runs, lateral lunges, sprints, agility and core body power training by use of medicine ball thrusts, plus assorted gym routines and muscle training drills. 

To build strength, coordination and balance for his tennis playing Roger Federer uses medicine balls and resistance bands.

Jumping rope is also part of the equation, which helps keep this tennis titan’s footwork fluid and accurate. He loves the jumping rope, which is a staple in his training. Most of his training sessions include several minutes with the rope. Start out slowly and then increase the speed over time. This builds cardiovascular fitness and agility, two of the main weapons that any top tennis player needs. 

These and other varied exercises help to keep the Roger Federer tennis exercise and diet plan in place.

In the following video you can watch interview with Swiss Star Roger Federer about his fitness. 

Whether training or during a game, a tennis player’s need for fluids is usually high. While moving around the court in highly intense stop and go manoeuvres, the competitor’s sweat rate is profuse. Coupled with the fact that some tennis matches can run for several hours in the face of blistering temperatures, drinking ample amounts of fluids prior, during and following training or a game is essential for hydration and optimum performance.

Federer strives for excellence even in the way he eats. According to Sports Dieticians Australia, slowly consumed, nutritious, high fibre, sensibly timed meals and snacks helps to avoid over indulgence. About two or three hours before a game, a high-carbohydrate, low-fat, low-fibre meal is served to help the tennis icon maintain on the court. Such a meal may consist of low-fat milk and breakfast cereal, or pancakes with syrup. Other options are pasta or rice topped with a tomato sauce, or a liquid milkshake meal packed with energy-rich ingredients.

The Roger Federer tennis exercise and diet plan also includes post-game recovery foods that are carbohydrate-laden that aid in topping up the body’s stores of muscle glycogen. Combine that with sources of lean protein to help speed up the repair and growth of muscle tissue. Let’s not forget, Federer also manages about ten hours of sleep, which is also a great relaxant for muscles and aids in repairing and healing the fatigued athlete’s body.

In present time Roger Federer is out of tennis tournaments after back injury at French Open. We hope that he is working hard to recover and we expect as soon as he can to return of the tennis courts.  


ROGER FEDERER will return to the tennis court